
Google Stadia with Family Sharing feature added

If there is Stadia, a Google streaming game service, it will mark the first year of service. The serving countries are still 14 countries in North America and Europe. However, the service content is being updated. Recently, it also added a family sharing feature.

The person who created the Stadia account allows other family members to play the game if they are in the Google Family Group. The first person to share the game needs to sign up for a paid Stadia Pro subscription, but other members can have a free account. Games purchased from a Stadia Pro account and free games provided for Stadia Pro subscriptions can be played without any additional need.

However, only one player can play one game at the same time. It is not possible for families to play games that support multiplayer. To enjoy this, you have to buy multiple games. In addition, parental control is also possible for shared games, preventing children from secretly playing games purchased by parents.

Also, it’s worth noting that if you cancel your Stadia Pro account, you can share it so that other family members will not be able to access the game. Related information can be found here .