
Religion meets technology, should we bring back the way of worship?

The Second Vatican Council in 1962, which made a major difference in the Catholic Church, brought several ceremonies held in Latin up to that time to take place in its own language. However, after that, the basics did not change, and everything from the outer garments to the Holy Grail to the Mass has remained customary hundreds of years ago.

In cooperation with students majoring in industrial design at the University of Wuppertal in Germany and the Catholic Educational Institution Bonn, they are introducing technology into Christian Mass. HGI (Human-God Interfaces) is an attempt to elevate these Catholic Masses to the level of the 21st century at once, and 11 students cooperate to develop various holy objects. Aimed at reforming the traditional worship process, it offers numerous digital solutions, providing opportunities to rethink the way God and people interact.

The advisor said that most of the Catholic church rituals have been around for hundreds of years or even thousands of years ago. It can be an opportunity to do it.

In the case of the Candle of Sins, small stones and pieces of beads are accumulated as signs of repentance whenever they recognize and reflect on their mistakes, such as speaking falsely or speaking out of heartless words. It contains the concept that it is accepted as a single wax and formed into one large candle.

The Chests of Mindfulness contains a concept that links objects that symbolize defilement, such as cigarettes, alcohol, smartphones, etc., to open another box somewhere instead of closing the box.

At first glance, the Box of Wishes looks like a ballot box, but it is a concise structure in which a wish written by another person appears from the bottom when you insert a piece of paper with your wish. It is simple, but since the phone number of the person who wrote the wish is also written on the entry sheet, there is a possibility that a new exchange will take place.

Worshiping with churches was at one time held in limited social places accessible to humans. Amid rethinking the traditional Catholic ritual, interest is focused on whether the combination of technology will bring about a new ritual update. Related information can be found here .