
Which password is the most used in 2020?

By analyzing 275,699,516 passwords released in 2020 due to a data breach, the ranking of the most used passwords this year was revealed. The number one is 123456, which has been overwhelming in various surveys so far, but new passwords that have not been seen until now are also emerging.

Looking at the ranking of the most used passwords in 2020, published by NordPass, who develops password managers, is ranked 1st (123456), 2nd (123456789), 3rd (picture1), 4th (password), and 5th ( 12345678), 6th (111111), 7th (123123), 8th (12345), 9th (1234567890), 10th (senha), 11th (1234567), 12th (qwerty), 13th (abc123) , 14th (Million2), 15th (000000), 16th (1234), 17th (iloveyou), 18th (aaron431), 19th (password1), 20th (qqww1122).

Five of the top 20 (picture1, senha, Million2, aaron431, qqww1122) are ciphers that first appeared in the rankings. According to Nodepath, these passwords are easy to guess, and when an attacker tries to use personal information through brute force attacks, they break through even 1 to 2 seconds, but three of the newly appeared passwords (picture1, Million2, aaron431) are 3 hours. , 1 (qqww1122) says it takes 52 minutes. It is 44%, which can be said to be the only one among leaked passwords.

It ranks up to the top 200 in the Node Pass, but if you look at 200 popular ciphers, there are no ciphers that are difficult to crack. Nodepath recommends several password creation methods to avoid stealing personal information using passwords that are easy to guess.

First, don’t use repeating characters like aaaa and 123abc. Also, do not choose completely confidential personal information such as phone number, date of birth, and name as passwords. Do not reuse multiple account passwords. In addition, the password should be at least 12 characters long and mixed with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols. Finally, change your password every 90 days. Related information can be found here .