
How do you feel about arriving at PlayStation 5? PS5 simulator

PlayStation 5, which was released recently, is gaining explosive popularity. Not only consumers who want to enjoy the next generation of games, but also those who purchase them only for the purpose of reselling them at high prices on auction sites, SIE appealed to prevent resale. However, the PS5 Simulator, where you can feel the feeling when the PlayStation 5 arrives at home, where you can’t live even if you want to have it, attracts attention.

The game can be downloaded as a compressed file by clicking the download button on the website. The capacity is 947MB. The downloaded file can be extracted using the Windows compression function. You can start it by running the executable file (PS5Simulator.exe) located in the folder.

When it starts, head to the front door where the PlayStation 5 arrives. The PS5 simulator also supports SteamVR, but can be operated with only a keyboard and mouse. Front, rear, left and right are WSAD respectively, the direction of view with a mouse cursor, and gestures such as grabbing an object and opening a door can be performed with a left click.

Take the knife from the kitchen, left-click, and left-click on the side with the message to open it, and the box seal opens and PlayStation 5 appears. To get started, you need to plug the power cable into an outlet. When you place the plug into an outlet located in the corner of the room, it is automatically connected. Then it’s time to connect the HDMI cable. Bring the blue cable to your TV and you can plug it in. Related information can be found here .