
AI automatically generates infinite bass solos for 24 hours

CJ Carr and Zack Zukowski, who developed Dadabots, an AI that automatically generates death metal and continues live streaming, this time built an AI that creates infinite bass solos and broadcasts live on YouTube. Started.

This time, the two-hour improvised bass solo song provided by bassist and composer Adam Neely was learned through RNN, which is said to have completed an AI that plays endless solo plays while maintaining high tension.

Initially, they sampled the bass solo at 16 bits, but the sound tone trembled severely due to strong high-frequency noise. Eventually, they touched the equalizer and reinforced the mid-range, sampled it in 8 bits, and trained it with AI again. Accordingly, it is said that the RNN with a sample rate change from which noise is removed can learn a double-length pattern.

The sound created through the information learned by SampleRNN sometimes sounds like two bass playing at the same time, but sometimes you can enjoy a bass solo with a natural human beauty, such as mixing a gradual level. The atmosphere is slightly different from the infinite death metal AI, which pursues musicality that seems to have excluded humanity.

It is also said that if you want to use any part of the infinite bass solo, you can record and use audio under the CC-BY license. However, this bass solo was originally created by learning Adam Neely’s performance with AI. Strictly speaking, in this case, you may be a little worried about whether the copyright belongs to the original performance or to the AI development side.