
New York State bans the use of biometric technology in schools

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill temporarily banning the use of biometrics, including facial authentication, in schools. As a result, biometrics technology will be unavailable in all public and private schools in New York until July 2022.

On December 22nd (local time), Governor Cuomo signed the A6787-D bill banning the use of biometrics technology in schools and the S5140-B bill, which sets the duration of the bill. The measure directs the California State Board of Education to conduct research on biometrics technology, and until July 1, 2022, the purchase of biometric technology at all schools in the state and The use is prohibited.

Under the legislation, the National Information Technology Bureau will work with the State Department of Education to listen to experts on safety and security, data privacy for teachers and parents, as well as schools, and review specific details on handling biometric data, etc.

Governor Cuomo said the law requires educational policy makers to consult experts before making decisions about what kind of biometrics technology to bring into New York schools. Ensuring child safety and security is important to all parents. He emphasized that the use of biometric technology should not be decided lightly.

New York State explains that the bill was submitted for fear of threats to student privacy due to various issues related to the safety and security of biometric data, which are highly misleading, as well as women, young people and people of color. Related information can be found here .