
Fixed some Windows 10 PC, restart bug within 1 minute

Microsoft announced that it has fixed a bug in which some devices updated through the Windows 10 October 2020 update will restart with a message that the PC will automatically restart within a minute.

According to the official support documentation, in some environments, Windows will restart randomly and prompt you to restart automatically within a minute. If you do not close this message and cancel the reboot without saving your work, you may lose data due to errors if the user is late.

This problem is explained by the local security authentication subsystem service and LSASS conflict that occur when the default administrator account name (Administrator, etc.) has been changed among the local user names. It is a terrible bug that can not be canceled and there may be corruption in saving work files, but the patch is included in the latest update, and it explains that there is no serious error for users using the latest version of Windows 10 20H2.

If this symptom occurs and you are not confident to save all your work within a minute, you need to update to the latest version quickly. Related information can be found here .