NIMBUS Halo is an EV trike created by startup Nimbus, located in Michigan, USA, to fight congestion and air pollution. It is located in the middle of a car and a bicycle, and the width of the car is 80cm, which is less than half of a regular car. The point is that you can pass between cars and parking is possible for bicycles, so you can save money.
The top speed is 80 km/h, and the time to reach 48 km/h is only 2.9 seconds. It uses 8.1kWh or 12.4kWh lithium rechargeable batteries, and the continuous driving distance is 126km or 191km depending on the capacity. It can be charged to 95% in 5.4 hours and 8.3 hours when charged with a home outlet, but can be reduced to 45 minutes with a Level 3 quick charger.
Inside, Bluetooth speaker, air conditioner, and touch screen can be added as an option, and the driver is protected by three airbags, reinforced doors and ABS. In addition, the software is automatically updated, featuring built-in intelligent sensors that calculate thousands of times per second and contribute to safe driving.
The Nimbus Halo costs $6,420. If you rent it, you pay $99 per month. The release date is scheduled for 2022 in Europe and South America and 2023 in Asia. For reference, the top model Nimbus X, which has a top speed of 145 km/h and can drive continuously up to 352 km, costs $19,400. Related information can be found here.