
DNA of 6.7 million species of living things under the moon?

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is a facility that stores plant seeds around the world for the purpose of reviving plants that have been extinct by climate change, natural disasters and nuclear war. However, at the IEEE Aerospace Conference held in March 2021, a plan was proposed to construct the lunar ark, a facility that stores new biological DNA, under the moon.

More than 1 million seeds are stored in the Svalbard International Seed Repository in the Norwegian Svalbard Islands. However, with qkftodd of the melting of permafrost around the storehouse due to the warming effect, uneasy voices over the shelf life of the storehouse have also been raised.

“The Earth is unstable,” said Jekan Thanga, a researcher at the University of Arizona’s space engineering. “There are many potential threats to biodiversity such as nuclear war, asteroids, pandemics, climate change, drought and volcanic eruptions.” And that humanity has a responsibility to protect biodiversity. Claiming that there is a need to build a facility to store biological DNA in the outer space.

Lava Cave, a cave formed by gathering lava, exists in the basement of the moon. Since this lava cave is protected from radiation and small meteors, which are the lunar threats, it is a promising location to build a lunar base. Tanga is advocating a plan to build a lunar ark in this lava cave and store 6.7 million species of Earth’s plant, animal, and fungal DNA.

He emphasized the safety of lava caves, saying that there are more than 200 lava caves suitable for the construction of the lunar ark on the moon. It also proposes a method to find a lava cave suitable for construction of the lunar ark by putting an old robot into the lunar lava cave.

He also presented ideas for how to operate the lunar ark. According to this, in order to properly store biological DNA, it is necessary to maintain the temperature from -180 dong to -196 degrees Celsius. Under these cryogenic temperatures, the movement of humans and robots is greatly restricted. Therefore, it is argued that the robot can be operated even at cryogenic temperatures by making the robot rise above the ground using the phenomenon of quantum flotation that is carried by superconductors. It is said that 30 years of research is required to freely move a weighty robot using quantum flotation. Said it would be possible.

He also estimates that more than 50 samples of each creature need to be stored, and that rockets need to be fired more than 500 times to transport 6.7 million creatures into the moon’s room. He said it would cost hundreds of billions of dollars to build the lunar ark and transport samples, but if countries around the world collaborate on this project, the amount won’t matter, and international cooperation is essential for the construction of the lunar ark. Insist. Related information can be found here.