The gaming bed, introduced by gaming furniture brand bauhutte, is receiving favorable reviews that it goes beyond gaming chairs.
This product combines a normal bed with a Bauhute bed desk, an elevating headboard, and a headphone hanger. Even blankets are customized. If you install a tablet arm on the elevating headboard, you can sleep while watching video works such as animation. You can also add a rack for snacks and drinks, and a long side table. With a game sofa, you can enjoy the game by leaning comfortably on the back of the game sofa.
If you use a gaming bed, you can watch video works or eat snacks while sleeping. Bauhute explains that waking up and moving from bed to desk can solve the troublesome task. Foreign media also praised this bed, saying that all game-related products have become a thing of the past. Of course, the witty explanation that the only problem left is the bathroom. That means it has everything for the game. Related information can be found here.