
Twitter Acquires Ad Hiding Service Scroll

Twitter has announced the acquisition of advertising-related startup Scroll. The acquisition amount is not disclosed. In the future, it is expected to provide a scrolling function as one of the subscription services that Twitter is reviewing.

Scroll is a subscription service that hides ads, and unlike an ad blocker that frequently stays, it is a structure that hides ads when accessing scroll subscribers in partnership with the media displaying ads. Scroll 30% of the subscription fee and distribute the rest by media according to the time of user visit.

According to Scroll, participation media revenue increased by 40%, staying time increased by 28%, and page views by 15%. Twitter believes that scrolling will be integrated into the subscription service under review to access premium features, making it easier to read articles from your favorite news sites and newsletters for review authors. Also, as usual, part of the subscription fee is distributed to the media and authors that produce the content.

With this acquisition, the scroll service itself will continue, but new subscriptions will be suspended. In addition, Nuzzel, a curation service that allows users to collect documents shared on social media by a friend Scroll acquired in 2018, will cease service on May 6. Of course, it is not disappearing as it is, but is planning an update in a form specialized for Twitter. Related information can be found here.