
Presidential Decree to Improve Security of Xiaomi and National Information Excluding the US Defense Blacklist

The trade friction between the US and China, which intensified under the US Trump regime, is also undergoing changes after the transition to the Biden regime. The US government and Xiaomi announced an agreement to exclude Xiaomi from the defense blacklist set by the Trump administration.

Unlike the U.S. Department of Commerce entity list, where Huawei and the like are registered in the defense blacklist, the target person is recognized as an adversary military enterprise. The U.S. Department of Defense said that Xiaomi was a Chinese military dominant company and was part of the Chinese military-private fusion strategy. As Xiaomi was registered on the blacklist, it brought delisting in the U.S. and dropping indicators such as global indices, appealing to the U.S. Federal Court of Justice, claiming that two co-founders own 75% of the voting rights and that there is no military ties to the ownership. It also added that three of the most famous shareholders are US investment groups.

In response, the court in March had a serious flaw in the blacklist registration process and issued a temporary ban on registration to prevent irreparable damage. The Pentagon then submitted a statement to the court stating that it had agreed that the order to exclude from blacklist registration was appropriate. The two sides are negotiating on specific terms and conditions, and a separate joint proposal will be submitted by May 20th.

However, even with the transition to the Biden regime, a White House spokesman said in a statement that the US government is deeply concerned about the possibility of US investment in Chinese military-related companies, and that it will continue to pressure these companies.

Meanwhile, President Biden signed a presidential decree on the improvement of national cybersecurity and is working to strengthen countermeasures against the recent hacking damage. The content of the Presidential Decree is to promote information sharing among ministries and to improve countermeasures against hacking behavior by establishing a policy to protect the federal government’s network infrastructure.

The outline of the Presidential Decree also sets standards for security of software sold for government use, and includes labeling regulations to inform the public about IoT device security functions and software development practices.

How effective the presidential decree will be is not yet known, as it may be related to parliamentary response or funding in the future, but it is possible to change the fundamental idea of prevention in accident response. But while Democratic Senator Mark Warner said the presidential decree is a good first step, the US still has hostile government-sponsored hackers and criminal hackers who endanger systems for profit and espionage. He also emphasized that it is.

The US has allowed intrusion from outside for a long period of time due to the successive hacking of Solarwind and Exchange servers by hacker groups that seem to be supported by the Chinese government. In addition, as an example of the Colonial Pipeline hacking, ransomware created by a criminal group called DarkSide was used, which is considered to be supplying malware to other criminal groups, generating revenue, and creating a market. have. Based on this case, the White House is required to improve its response to serious cybersecurity incidents. Related information can be found here (Xiaomi , White House ).