
Google supports removing search results from 15 minutes ago

Google has implemented a function to delete search history up to 15 minutes in its own search app, the Google App. The feature, first supported by the iOS version, can be accessed from a single tap on the app’s profile image and can be removed from searches or privacy-related searches. Of course, more features will be added to the Android version later.

It also added a function to automatically delete search history every 3 months, 18 months, and 36 months. This feature was first made available for iOS, and the Android version will be available this year. New accounts are automatically deleted every 18 months by default.

You can also add special authentication like a password or two-factor authentication to your activity when you log in to make sure that your browsing history on shared devices cannot be seen by others. Since personal search contents reflect the person’s hobbies, tastes, and behaviors, the addition of privacy protection features like this one would be welcome. Related information can be found here.