TouchWood attempts to integrate a simple interface into natural materials such as desks and walls. To realize the idea of using technology through wooden planks rather than apps. A modular technology platform using high-brightness LEDs and capacitive touch sensing to embed displays in opaque materials. It is intended to provide information display and a control system that is not visible to the outside in various ways, even in the home or office such as a wall, a sink, or a desk.
When the display is off, the surface looks completely normal. Because it uses a special wood penetration plate, it is usually just wood or other ordinary flooring material. Touchwood aims to become a platform someday. Next year, two types of high-end desks with two display parts, a sitting type and a standing type, are scheduled to be released in the $2,000 range next year. After demonstrating the concept through its flagship product, the idea of inserting invisible displays into sinks and walls as well as restaurant tables will be applied to several cases. Related information can be found here.