A hacker who transformed the Game Boy Color into a remote control for Apple TV has appeared and draws attention. A man named Otto Climan, a YouTuber, replaced the Game Boy color screen with a backlit LCD and created a pure white case with a logo reminiscent of old Macs. I also ordered a cartridge that can insert a button or microSD card from Retro Modding, which sells retro game console retrofit parts. However, the internal board and the like were left intact and no modifications were made.
Then, he made a program himself and loaded it into the Game Boy Color through a flash cartridge, turning it into a remote control that could control Apple TV. Specifically, the Game Boy Color is adjusted to recognize the Apple TV sensor through the built-in infrared communication function, and the cross keys and buttons are mapped to the Apple TV user interface.
The Apple TV Siri Remote currently on sale uses Bluetooth. However, this challenge was possible thanks to the continued support of infrared remote control. Related information can be found here.