
AWS deprecated EC2-Classic

AWS has announced that it is deprecating EC2-Classic, an Amazon EC2 instance environment.

EC2-Classic is an instance environment that runs on a single plane network with only one IP assigned. From the summer of 2006, when EC2 was launched, in the only environment, it contributed to various services, such as supporting the launch of, which became the pioneer of Twitter, a live streaming platform for gamers in 2009. Cloud) was replaced sequentially.

According to the announcement, users who signed up after December 4, 2013 will not be able to use EC2-Classic unless requested, and the majority of users in 2021 will not be affected by the deprecation of EC2-Classic. The specific EC2-Classic deprecation action will be implemented in phases, and on October 30, 2021, we will disable EC2-Classic and stop selling EC2-Classic Reserved Instances in AWS accounts that do not have an active EC2-Classic environment in the region. Full implementation measures are expected to be completed by August 15, 2022. AWS does not intend to stop the repeal, but states that it will do its best to meet the deadline.

AWS is urging users of EC2-Classic to use EC2-Classic Resource Finder to discover their account EC2-Classic resources and migrate them to their VPCs with AWS Application Migration Service. Related information can be found here.