
YouTube to automatically translate chapters and titles in search results

A huge number of videos are posted on YouTube, and it is not easy to immediately see the video you want to see even if you enter a keyword into the search bar. The new features and efforts introduced by YouTube to improve the search function were released on the official blog.

YouTube has announced that it will extend automatic chapter setting to all video clips uploaded in July 2021. This is to automatically launch the chapter function added in May 2020. In addition, YouTube announced that it would expand the search target to video chapters as well as the video itself. For example, not only video thumbnails related to the search term, but also video chapters and timestamps are displayed in the search results.

Until now, when you search on YouTube, thumbnail images for each video were displayed and you could easily understand the contents of the video, but now the chapters are displayed directly on the search page, so you can decide which video to watch based on more detailed information. Chapters are also time-stamped, so you can check the content you are watching in the future, and you can jump directly to the chapter that suits your interests.

YouTube is also adopting a specification that plays a part of a video rather than displaying still photo thumbnails in search results. There are many fishing videos that are completely different from the thumbnails of the YouTube videos, but you can check the contents in the search results, so if you don’t play them on purpose, you can exclude the fishing videos.

YouTube is also attempting to automatically translate overseas video titles into the user’s language and display them in search results. For example, a video with an English title or description shot in the United States appears in the search results after it has been automatically translated into Korean.

YouTube is saying that creators will be able to reach a more global audience by automatically translating video titles and outlines in advance so that videos from around the world are displayed in search results without being bound by language.

Finally, YouTube is also considering displaying links to websites based on Google searches in some YouTube searches. It can also serve as a search term guide when video content is not available, providing users with more data sources for search results with fewer views and controversial, topical search results.

Of course, these additional features directly affect the video search engine optimization and search process. If you’re marketing on YouTube, you’ll need to determine the impact of a change in search specifications. Related information can be found here.