
Dou India, China, is limited to 40 minutes per day for use under the age of 14.

China’s ByteDance, the operator of TikTok, announced that it will add a Youth Mode for users under the age of 14 to Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok. In this mode, the daily usage time is limited to 40 minutes and cannot be used between 22:00 and 6:00.

In the youth mode, educational content such as fun science experiments, museum and art gallery content, and historical knowledge commentary on beautiful national landscapes will also be added. According to reports, a new app called Xiao Qu Xing or Little Fun Star has also started to be offered separately from Douin. This also has the same limitation as 40 minutes a day, but only provides educational content.

In 2018, as President Xi Jinping was concerned about an increase in the rate of myopia in children, China is increasingly regulating the use of games for minors.

Compared to the three-hour limit per week, 40 minutes a day seems like a fairly light limit, but according to reports, only 0.34% of Dowoo users under the age of 12 and 4.18% between the ages of 13 and 19 do not seem to have an impact on many users. However, since Dowooin does not disclose user statistics, there is no guarantee that these figures are accurate.

In addition, Douin acknowledges that users under the age of 14 can avoid this regulation and is conducting a DOU to find bugs campaign to find loopholes in the login process. Related information can be found here.