
Half of gig workers in non-developed countries say they want to quit within a year

With the rise of food delivery services such as Uber Eats, gig workers, subcontractors who work single-shot over the Internet, are becoming common. Regarding these gig workers, the new international non-profit journalism organization ROW (Rest of World) announced the status of gig workers in non-developed countries based on information obtained from 4,900 gig workers in 15 countries.

This announcement is a summary and analysis of a survey of 4,900 gig workers active in 15 countries including Russia, Mexico, India, Brazil and South Africa. As a result of this analysis, the emotions felt by gig workers vary by country, but it turns out that most gig workers want to quit within a year, or in the case of delivery industry gig workers, they have a strong desire to quit.

By country, in Russia, whether or not money is good is almost zero, but whether it is sustainable or happy is a perfect score. Although there is a difference in the results, when GDP per capita is taken into account, wealthy countries tend to be highly satisfied with gig workers.

Given that GDP per capita and gigworker satisfaction are related, one might think that gigworker dissatisfaction lies in wages, but this study suggests that this is not the case. In India, which ranks third in terms of GDP per capita among the countries surveyed, 69.1% of gig workers said they were satisfied with their income situation. Among them, Ethiopia, the country with the lowest GDP, recorded 58% and Pakistan, the second-largest country from the bottom, at 65.4%, showing that gig workers in low-income countries are satisfied with their income.

However, research also reveals that Geekwalker’s perception and reality are different. If the tendency of gig workers to work long hours was converted into hourly wages, 40% of them could only earn less than the minimum wage. In addition, when looking at the emotions that gig workers have toward their Jodong, it was found that gig workers in India’s delivery and dispatch service industries were more likely to feel personal risks.

Most gigworkers have also expressed their desire to quit within a year. When asked how long they plan to continue working, in 14 countries except Ukraine, more than 50% said they quit within one month or within one month to one year. By job type, the delivery industry has a higher rate of thinking that they want to quit within one month than other industries. Related information can be found here.