
Better than Warren Buffett… A hamster trading crypto assets?

As if proving the Random Walk Theory that it is impossible to predict stock price movements with historical data, hamsters who trade crypto assets by moving in a cage are making a profit.

The crypto asset investor, the hamster’s name is Mr. Goxx. Mr. Gox enters a special cage and spins a treadmill called the Intention Wheel to determine which crypto assets to trade. The target crypto asset is bought and sold through the Buy or Sell tunnel.

Mr. Gox began trading on June 12, 2021 for $390. The asset portfolio hit an all-time high near $580, outperforming the S&P 500 and renowned investor Warren Buffett. Mr. Gox made a profit of 77 euros in three months.

According to the custodian, the transaction amount is set at €20 and can be purchased in increments by passing consecutively with a cooldown of 20 seconds. Also, the sale takes place at full payment. If interest in Mr. Gox continues to rise, it is said that a new plan will be implemented, such as selecting the purchase amount for Mr. Gox. Mr. Gox’s activities can also be checked through the official Twitch channel. Related information can be found here.