
“With the dream of a space powerhouse” Korean launch vehicle Nuri launches

The Korean launch vehicle Nuri was successfully launched on October 21st. All flight procedures were performed normally. However, the Korea Aerospace Research Institute said that Nuri failed to land in low-Earth orbit because the three-stage engine ended prematurely, and the satellite model reached an altitude of 700 km, but did not reach the speed of 7.5 m/sec.

The Korea Aerospace Research Institute explained that the first stage separation, fairing separation, and second stage separation were normally performed after takeoff, but the 7-ton liquid engine mounted on the third stage did not burn for 521 seconds, which was the target, and cooking ended in 475 seconds. did.

Nevertheless, this launch has great significance in that it is the first flight test of a launch vehicle developed independently in Korea. Moreover, it is significant in that it has secured core technology by implementing all major launch stages. The Korea Aerospace Research Institute plans to identify the cause of the premature shutdown of the three-stage engine, and plan to pursue the second launch by correcting the problems.