
15 years ago I installed Windows 11 on my Pentium 4 PC?

Windows 11, which was officially released last October, offers a free upgrade from Windows 10, but there are minimum system requirements, so you need to make sure your PC meets the system requirements. This system requirement is written for the processor to be a two or more core 64-bit compatible processor or SoC at 1 GHz or higher for the processor. turn off

Twitter user Carlos reported that he was running Windows 11 on a Pentium 4 661 with a Cedar Mill core. The Pentium 4 661 is a 64-bit compatible processor with an operating frequency of 3.6 GHz. One core does not meet the minimum system requirements. In addition, the other specifications of the PC upgraded to Windows 11 are 4GB of RAM DDR2, the graphics card is GeForce GT710, and the storage space is SSD 120GB.

He explains that he used Windows PE to deploy and restore Windows through a USB drive to install Windows 11, and writes that Windows 11 is installed in the MBR and does not include EFI emulation.

Carlos also posted a picture of the PC running Windows 11 through his YouTube account. If you look at the video, the overall operation is definitely slow, but you can see that Windows 11 runs without any problem even on Pentium 4.

Microsoft said that to run Windows 11, you need a computer with a chip that can improve security in hardware called TPM 2.0. However, it turned out that even computers that do not support TPM 2.0 can be upgraded to Windows 11, and Microsoft itself implicitly admitted that computers that do not support TPM 2.0 can also upgrade to Windows 11.

However, this only applies if the user wants to manually install the operating system, and the upgrade provided by Microsoft cannot upgrade a PC that does not meet the system requirements to Windows 11. Related information can be found here.