The 12th Gen Intel Core processors for desktop PCs were released on November 4, 2021. This CPU, codenamed Alder Lake, is equipped with two types of cores, a high-performance core P-core and a high-efficiency core E-core, and it is said that single-thread performance is improved by 19% compared to the previous 11th generation. However, according to the site that conducted the actual review, there is a big difference from the 11th generation, and even AMD Ryzen 9 (Ryzen 9) is evaluated to be superior.
In the evaluation, the Intel i9-12900K also praised the gaming performance, saying that it crushed the AMD Ryzen 9 5950x in multi-threading or that it will regain the gaming throne. In Geekbench 5, the previous generation 11th generation Core i9-11900K scored 10469 points, while Core i9-12900K scored 18241 points, almost doubling the score. Ryzen 9 5900X scored 13667 points and Ryzen 9 5950X scored 15102 points. Says
Of course, Geekbench pointed out that outliers in favor of Intel were easy to come out, but in the Passmark test, the Ryzen 9 5950X showed 41128 points, but the Core i9-12900K exceeded it with 47835 points. In Cinebench, the 5950X scored 10085 points and the 12900K scored 10323 points.
The 12900K also recorded higher FPS in games. In Hitman 3, the average of 5950X was 137 points, but 12900K showed a big difference at 190.
Of course, the point of concern is that when the performance is raised to 100%, the power consumption exceeds that of Ryzen even though the number of cores is large. However, the prevailing view is that it is overpowering with performance and that Intel has regained the throne that was lost to AMD. Related information can be found here.