
“The best book … “Bill Gates’s Life Book 1


We are living in the most peaceful age in human history. “Harvard University psychologist Steven Pinker says in his book The Better Angels of Our Nature. Bill Gates says he has never seen a book that clearly explains progress. A well-cut book reader, he selects and publishes recommended books among the books he has read each year. However, reveals that among these books he is the best book he has read in the last ten years. It is an eternal one, not a year.

This book, praised by Bill Gates, deals with the evidence and statistical discussion that violence continues to decline through human history. Bill Gates records five things he liked in this book. The first is that the probability of lightning death is lower than that of the early 20th century. Of course, it does not mean that the lightning itself has decreased. The weather forecasting capability has been enhanced, safety education has been strengthened, and people have fallen away from forests, which are susceptible to lightning, and live in cities.

The next thing is that in 1920, the time it took to wash was 11 1/2 hours a week, but in 2014 it decreased to one and a half hours. Washing is a trivial thing to talk about history. But the appearance of the washing machine has increased the free time of women and raised the quality of life. In such a leisure time, it is possible to read a book or start a new business.

Third, the number of deaths decreased during work. Recently, about 5,000 deaths per year are reported in the United States. It can be thought of as many, but in 1929 it reached 20,000 a year. At that time, dying in the workplace was seen as part of the sacrifice that could occur in the workplace. But now there are various ways to avoid the risks.


The following is the average global IQ (IQ) rising by 3% every 10 years. As the living environment is improved and nutritional status is improved, children’s brains are getting better and better. Analytical thinking is important, and children can become smarter if they help them to do this from their childhood.

The last is the illegalization of war. There is, of course, an exception, but international sanctions and interventions are proving to be effective in curbing international warfare.

Bill Gates also spoke with the author about the book. Bill Gates says the difference is that people are pessimistic, despite the fact that they are improving, but the actual data is still better than in the past, why do people ask if they think the old days are better or the future will get worse.

Steven Pinker says this is interesting from a psychologist’s point of view, because the nature of the news and the nature of cognition are the two things that cause a chemical reaction. His words tell us that the news has not happened yet. It can happen in the gap between news and cognition. He emphasizes that although there are many problems, if you understand how the world is moving and improve it little by little, there will be a different view from the progressive view that is popular with 21st century intellectuals.

Bill Gates points out that Steven Pinker’s idea of ​​artificial intelligence seems too optimistic. Pinker says he can not overturn the human race that created the robot. Bill Gates does not think he’s in danger of coming out of the terminator, but he says it’s valid to have a fear of who will control the robot. It is not yet time for this, but it is pointed out that one day, it will be a matter for international organizations to solve who will control artificial intelligence. The text of Bill Gates’s “Good Angel of Our Nature” can be found at the link below.