
Zenec has launched “Bio-product block-chain verification platform”

Geneco has announced that it will release its core platform MVP (Minimum Viable Product) on August 20 for the whole world including Korea.

Zenec is aiming for a block chain based biotech company Accelerating platform. Genecy MVP is a block-based tracking and reporting system. The package is made with the aim of verifying the source of the bio product distributed on the market, and the manufacturing verification is started. All transactions and records can be stored in block-chain technology and verified without being deleted. Stores in the supply chain are also recorded in the block chain, allowing manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and users to track product status and ownership in real time with customized dashboards.

In addition, the QR code scan allows you to see the indication as you move to the next level of the supply chain. This will ensure the authenticity of the product and enable the user to have the right to handle the product as a member of the supply chain. Of course you can also check whether the counterfeit is legal or not. Consumers can download mobile apps for free.

“The launch of MVP is an important indicator in the roadmap and we are excited to test our ideas and marketability and to provide a safe and efficient solution for users around the world,” said Alexei Zilith Heskov, founder of Genexi. We will improve our way of tracking by creating unique product keys to sales. “More information on Genecy can be found here .