Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said he was willing to participate in a block-chain project during ChainXchange, a block-chain conference in Las Vegas for three days from August 13-15.
He says his start-up is not a new type of currency, and that it is not a project for which there is no shape or reason without value, because he is involved in a block-chain project. Dubai apartment construction investment, for example.
Wozniak also mentioned the charm of the block chain. He said that the block chain is like when it was the first time the Internet was born, and was surprised at the technological background of the block chain, and now it is reminiscent of the early days of the Internet to give value to the block chain. He said that indirectly comparing the platform with the ERC-20 platform using Etherium, the individual is able to build applications directly, and Etherium has been a great help for individuals building block-chain applications, I feel that the number of people who are building their own applications is increasing. For more information, please click here .