The search service is Google mind. Facebook accumulates a lot of personal information. Current Web services have structural problems between freedom of expression and personal information as large service providers manage access to information. Decentralized Web is a distributed network that connects individual people without the need of big administrators.
The DWeb Summit, hosted by the Internet Archive, was held in San Francisco, USA, from July 31 to August 2 last July. The event was attended by 800 developers and groups. Tim Berners-Lee, who created the World Wide Web, also attended.

It is because of the existence of a huge service that dominates the modern Internet as mentioned above. Desktop PCs began to connect with each other, but from the advent of the word Web 2.0, communication begins to take place through centralized services provided by Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.
For example, SNS, which connects individuals with each other, is also connected through a platform called Facebook. We must meet each other in the garden. In this centralized web world, personal information is stored centrally, making it vulnerable to cyber attacks due to hacking. Increased risk of personal information leakage. There is also the risk of loss of communication means and stored data if centralized services are stopped. In addition, it is difficult to avoid the sale of personal information using the collected personal information as an advertisement because of high risk of censorship by the government and the like.
It is the structure that grapples with the distributed computing of the Web to the Web 2.0 era to solve the problem of the era of the Web 2.0 era. The difference between existing Web and DeWeb is that P2P communication is the basic connection between the first terminals. Also, there is a difference in that the terminal connecting to the second P2P not only requests but also provides services. In other words, you do not have access to the information stored in a specific server using the HTTP protocol, but you also serve as a medium for providing distributed data.
The underlying technology that becomes the technical background of such a dieb is a block chain.
Whether you vote for an election, whether your vote is really counting, whether the vote is abandoned, whether you are the same person you thought you were when you met someone on the Internet, or even buying Fairtrade certified coffee beans, It is natural, but difficult, to see if profits are being returned to. To solve this question, we need a system that ensures safety and fairness. We need a system and structure to track and verify the trading situation. This tracking and surveillance should always be done. This structure of securing transaction reliability requires enormous cost.
The block chain is the system that can implement the transaction safety that is difficult to implement without such a high cost by software. In the block chain, information is communicated and shared via a networked personal PC. Block chaining connects information like a network and does not make information flow into a centralized structure. In a centralized system, if the information is concentrated only on the server (server, etc.), then the system is in danger of not working. However, a non-centralized block chain is characterized by a stable system that is resistant to external attacks. In other words, it is a very difficult structure to stop the system.
In the block chain, information is selected by the computer every time it passes, and all information is accumulated in a data chain with time series information known as a block.
When we return to DiWeb again, it is the idea of DiWeb to combine the block chain with the web world that excludes the centralized currency issuer and enables the cipher currency that created the distributed currency. It is not possible to restrict access to information by administrators who manage or control information, rather than collecting information in a single block chain.
De-Web program production has already begun. OpenBazzaar, which is a distributed lingbang market; Graphite Docs, an alternative to Google Docs; Textile Photos, which stands for Instagram replacement service; Matrix, which is a slack or Watts app alternative; DTube (Alternative), Akasha and Diaspora, which are different from existing SNS, and Beaker Browser, a P2P web browser.
DeWeb does not have a centralized service provider, so there is no traditional advertising business. For this reason, DiWeb needs a different economic structure. An important issue is to establish a small payment system that enables small payments. If there is a structure that directly pays for the service use, the creator can earn revenue without having to rely on the advertising system. In this way, it can be expected that creative activities will become active and content usage fees will decrease.
In the diweb ecosystem backed by block-chain technology, a password is needed to guarantee identity. To be precise, it is a biometric identification that identifies an individual. If this happens, you will not have to use complex passwords that you will not remember for long.
But DeWeb does not need an administrator, but it can be harmful. For example, you can not request a removal even if you see the wrong information. It can damage the right to be forgotten, which is recognized mainly in Europe recently. It is also difficult to delete information about adult crimes and the like. There is a lot of talk about the advantages and disadvantages of De Web, and if De Web functions in a way different from the current web, it is necessary to focus on the impossible things in the centralized system.