
Oh Chang Chang “What the password money will bring to mankind … “

Binhai’s chief executive Zhao Chengpeng said the money would be human freedom. History says that whenever people are free, the world has changed in a good way, and that money will bring more freedom to humanity.

In an interview with Ran Neu-Ner, CNBC’s Cryptography Program community, he talked about freedom of the press, knowledge, data, and the freedom that the Internet has brought, which led to better life, , Freedom of trade, and the freedom to manage money directly.

He also spoke of his future and said, “I want to be remembered as the person who spread the cryptograms all over the world.”

He was well known as the founder of the cryptographic exchange Bainance, while at the beginning of the year, he had decorated the Forbes cover. Bainance will soon begin beta service on a currency trading platform using a Singapore court currency. Prior to this, the company has been steadily preparing for the expansion of the cryptographic supply infrastructure such as acquiring Trust, a distributed app wallet service.