The NEMO floats the buoy on the water and supplies oxygen to the water. People in the water can breathe with oxygen on the surface of the water if they are wearing mouthpieces. It is a principle similar to that used by the old diver. When you go snorkeling, you use a mask type and put a simple oxygen cylinder on your mouthpiece.
The biggest advantage of the square is in the smart lug, a patent-pending mouthpiece. The silicone diaphragm moves back and forth in response to breathing, and a waterproof sensor immediately detects movement and signals that the compressor needs oxygen to be delivered at the required time. Of course, if the battery is low, an alarm will be sent. This movement allows the magnetic sensor to measure the timing of the sticking of the built-in magnet sensor and move it with only a tenth of the power of the existing breathing system.

The buoy is operated by a compressor with an interchangeable battery, which sends air to a diver at a depth of 3 meters. The buoy itself is floated in styrofoam, but when used in the sea, the tubes are mounted together so that they do not tip over.
The battery life of this product is 60 minutes, and the maximum time to dive is 60 minutes. Of course, if you change immediately, you can dive again. It is also one of the advantages that it is easy to carry with a special bag. The product also raised money through a kickstart, a crowdfunding site. More information about the product can be found here .