Solid is a new open-source platform announced by Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the Web, who invented the World Wide Web. Tim Berners – Lee has previously talked about a plan to redistribute the Web, saying that a centralized platform through Facebook, Google, Amazon, and other big companies could undermine the Web.
Solid is an open source platform to launch his idea of this. Tim Berners-Lee says Solid will let users evolve the Web in an innovative way while restoring balance by completely controlling the data on their own.
With Solids, users can have personal online data repository PODs. POD has contacts, to-do lists, calendars, music libraries, and other personal or professional tools. It’s like using Google Drive, Microsoft Outlook, and Sporty in one browser at a time.
The unique thing about POD is that it gives you the power to store data, as well as who has access to what information. You can share your data with your family or colleagues. You can also see one data in another app at the same time. The characteristic of such a solid is the personal authorization through the data.
Tim Berners-Lee says that Inrupt, a W3C member company with the start of the project, will play a role in providing new Web integration and equality ecosystems and commercial energy created at Solid.
There are reports that the handling of personal data of most technology companies is becoming unclear. This criticism of the corporation can be said to be in the solid. For more information, please click here .