Of course, smoking at a gas station is dangerous. Naturally, in spaces where flammable materials are scattered all over.
Microsoft and Shell jointly developed artificial intelligence for gas stations. To detect a person smoking at a gas station. I find a person who smokes or tries to smoke through camera images installed at gas stations. If we find suspicious scenes, we send them to Microsoft’s Azure IoT Edge Cloud, which sends them to the gas station immediately if they think they are right. An alerted employee will stop the refueling pump.

This is where artificial intelligence works to connect to the cloud and judge suspicious scenes. It analyzes the data in the video. In fact, it takes only a few seconds to analyze the video to determine whether or not to smoke. All processes from discrimination to warning are fully automated.
The system has already been tested at two shell gas stations in Thailand and Singapore. Microsoft hopes that the system will be available elsewhere. For more information, please click here .