The Israeli securities regulator ISA (The Israel Securities Authority) has begun using the block chain to secure the cyberspace of the messaging system. Block chaining to strengthen cyber security.
ISA plans to integrate block-chain technology through a system called Yael and provide messaging systems and other information to companies under ISA supervision. ISA will implement a block chain on both systems, including an online voting system that allows investors to remotely participate in ISA meetings and Magna, which stores all reports submitted by ISA regulators. The block-chain solution used by ISA was developed by IT company Taldor.
Block-chain technology can provide a high-strength solution to combat fraud as well as verify communication authenticity and safeguard against post-editing and improper deletion. ISA said the move, which integrates block-chain technology, is consistent with the trend of global innovation in the financial industry. For more information, please click here .