Benoit Coeure, director of the European Central Bank, gave a speech at the International Bancorp banking event in Basel, Switzerland, saying that Bitcoin is the son of a demon born in 2008. His remarks seem to be a warning to the central bankers about the currency, with the voices that the central bank is threatened by the spread of cryptography.
He said Bitcoin is a pretty clever idea, but not every smart idea is necessarily a good idea. I do not remember most of it, but Satoshi mentioned in the first block of the coin that it contained the bailout details of the Bank of England in the headlines of the Times newspaper in January 2009, in a number of sense the beat coin was born in the financial crisis, .
He added that in February, Augustin Carsten, chief executive officer of the International Settlement Bank, said the same idea, saying Bitcoin is a combination of bubble, ponzi, and environmental destruction.
On the other hand, there is a growing demand for central banks to issue digital currencies. Lagarde, the International Monetary Fund’s chief financial officer, said at a PinTech event in Singapore on November 14 that the international community needs to consider the possibility of a central bank-borrowed digital currency, the CBDC. For more information, please click here .