
“The Key to Activating the Cryptographic Market is Institutional Investor Participation”

KPMG, an audit firm based in the Netherlands, released a cryptographic report on November 15 (local time) and outlined optimistic views on the market.

The report says institutional investor engagement is needed to expand the potential of the cryptographic industry. The report deals with the institutionalization of cryptographic assets, discusses why and how institutional investment will enter the cryptographic market, and addresses the challenges that can arise in this process. It is also verifying whether the cipher money can become a full-fledged asset type when certain conditions are met.

The report claims that there is a potential for cryptographic assets, but that institutionalization is necessary to extend this possibility. Institutionalization refers to the participation of a large number of banks, securities companies, exchanges, settlement providers, and fin tech as well as entities that constitute the financial service ecosystem in the cryptographic market. The cryptographic market needs such institutionalization to acquire credit and scale it to the next level.

KPMG reports that new services have emerged in 2018 in the cryptographic market, and security token platforms, stakeholders and industry leading financial services agencies are beginning to offer cryptographic products and services. This indicates that the cryptographic assets are no longer negligible. For more information, please click here .