
There are 10 security trends in 2019 …

What about security trends next year? US security company BeyondTrust announced the 2019 cyber attack and security trend forecast.

According to this, first of all, attack using artificial intelligence increases. In 2019, the number of cyber attacks developed using AI and machine learning will increase, and the difficulty of companies to protect themselves from cyber attacks will also be higher than ever. According to the report, AI can analyze successful attack techniques and learn about the defensive patterns, including the latest information in new attacks.

The following is an attack against a privileged account. We believe that providing information that can be used only for specific accounts usually improves security. However, if the password of the authority account itself is weak, there will be a gap. Attacks targeting such privileged accounts are expected to continue in 2019.

The third is that attacks targeting well-known vulnerabilities account for most of the cyber attack reports. According to the Beyond Trust, a malicious hacker will continue to exploit a widely known vulnerability in the future. In terms of ease of countermeasures, vulnerabilities with low importance are likely to be neglected, and companies can focus on improving vulnerabilities with high importance. If left untreated, it could become a clue to large-scale data leakage.

Fourth, supply chain risk increases. The supply chain refers to the route from the raw material through the production to the arrival of the product or service to the consumer, but there is a risk of cyber attack. The report that China buried spy chips in the US motherboard manufacturing phase is not certain, but it also causes a lot of confusion. The risk is increasing in a different way from attacks on existing corporate spies and businesses.

The fifth is that the object Internet device can be a major target. Things Internet devices can make living easier and looser standards in terms of security. That’s why many antivirus devices, including the AI-powered assistant, are predicted to be subject to frequent cyber attacks.

The following is the target of the industrial control system ICS. It is the industrial control system that is expected to increase the interest of cybercriminals in the next few years. ICS, which is used for national infrastructure, is an attractive target not only for hackers who seek economic interests but also for hackers who are devoted to the development of cyber weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to recognize that ICS managers are essential to cyber security business.

The seventh is that in 2019, Android will no longer be open source. Google is reluctant to give up Android’s open-source status and is likely to increase security against malware and spyware.

Next, Infomix will become mainstream. Infonomics refers to the fact that the data held by the company is evaluated and managed in the same way as other stocks and properties such as real estate. The idea is that you can use or sell your data to create value, which is why more and more companies are turning to the asset value of their data.

The ninth is that the definition of personal information evolved by the younger generation. The Z generation, born in the early 1980s to early 2000s and born in the late 20s to late 30s, has no reluctance to disclose personal data. According to the values ​​of the youngest generation, it is predicted that the data that would be felt as personal now will not be classified as personal data in the future.

The last is the birth of a central information broker. In the future, so-called information brokers can be introduced that divide and manage personal data finely and sell tools to share and share for specific services. It is an analysis that the effect of the data sharing tool classified by the information broker may be maximized in the EU, which has already paid attention to digital identity. For more information, please click here .