
Cryptographic Money Market “20 trillion dollars after 10 years?”

DeVere Group, a financial consulting firm, released the data on Oct. 24 (local time), claiming that the money-money market will dramatically improve to an unprecedented level over the next decade, and Bitcoin’s market share will drop significantly .

Nigel Green, CEO of Devere Group, announced on October 31, that 10 years after Nakomoto Satoshi’s announcement of the bit coin white paper, Bitcoin called the cryptographic monetary revolution, Method, and asset management, “I started everything from bit coin.”

But he insisted that the influence of bitcoin will decline significantly over the next decade. The reason for the decline in bit coin share is that as the introduction of cryptographic money expands, more cryptographic money is released in the public sector and competition is intense. The cryptographic market is expected to grow by at least 5,000 percent over the next decade as the transition from cigarette to cigarette money accelerates.

If you look at the market value of the cryptographic market at $ 400 billion, if you believe his prediction, the market of cryptographic money will reach 20 trillion dollars in 10 years. Another estimate, of course, is that the market cap is currently $ 200 billion, and even after 10 years, the market size is $ 10 trillion.

Nigel Green, CEO of Nigel Green, says that the increasing number of major institutional investors, individual investors, financial institutions and regulators suggests that money is money in the future. For more information, please click here .