(Beefing up Blockchain) that Deloitte may use block-chain technology to improve the Irish beef supply chain. This report covers the use of block chain technology in the beef industry. ‘Beefing up’ is a compound word combined with Beef and Beef Up.
Although beef consumption is expanding globally, the national beef industry faces various problems such as supply chain maintenance. Need to improve using technology. In Ireland, food exports account for more than 10 trillion won, of which beef is fifth. Exports of beef in Ireland will increase by 5% in 2017, and supply chain management is required due to growing demand.

Using the block chain, it is possible to streamline business processes such as simplifying trade finance, managing certificate of qualifications, and storing consumer data through the management and tracking of feed information ingested by cows. In addition, it can build a more transparent and convenient system for consumers. For example, a consumer can access detailed information about a product by reading only the QR code attached to the beef pack.
In the US, a start-up beef chain ( BeefChain ) was established with the aim of building a supply chain using block chains. For more information, please click here .