There is a strong correlation between traditional assets such as bit coin and gold? There may be institutional investors’ influx into the cryptographic market in the background where cipher money moves in tandem with traditional asset markets.
The correlation between the beat coin and gold over the past five days is 0.84, according to the Wall Street Journal citing research company Excalibur Pro data. The maximum value of the correlation is 1, and the minimum value is -1. In addition, the correlation coefficient between the beat coin and the volatility index (VIX), which indicates the psychology of the market participants, was 0.77, indicating a strong correlation coefficient.
In the report, it is analyzed whether institutional investor inflow to the cryptographic industry is taking place. It is seen as a result of progress of infrastructure and transaction service establishment with high regulatory compliance. Also, the fact that cryptographic futures trading and ETF transactions will come will also be a factor in entering the market.
Futures trading, which the market focuses on, will start with a bit coin futures trading scheduled for January 24th. Also, the beat coin ETF will be judged by the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC until February 27th.