Deutsche Bahn AG, a German railway company, will review the possibility of ecosystem tokenization in partnership with Unbright, a block-chain integration platform. The largest railway operator in Europe commissioned Unibalite to confirm the possibility of asset tokenization. We will begin to look at whether decentralized solutions will reduce operating costs and facilitate exchange with other companies in the travel industry.
UniBrite uses the block chain to check through the proof of concept (PoC) whether it can link various fields related to travel such as mileage, service, catering, hotel reservation and local connection traffic. To realize this plan, you need to tokenize the travel-specific elements. PoCs can sell tokens or exchange for other services to enable ecosystem interoperability. Also, the token issuer can use the token as sponsor compensation, such as giving a token according to the distance.
Uniblite is proposing to build an ecosystem based on the NEM protocol and its own framework. In this system, tokens are classified into clusters such as travel, food, and lodging, and even those without special skills can monitor the network.
Of course, this review does not lead directly to the implementation of block-chain technology. However, the German state railway company is expecting that it will be able to build a new distribution channel as the possibility of introducing block chains and accepting various supplier services individually.
Meanwhile, Swiss National Railways also announced the start of the block chain pilot project in November. In order to improve the efficiency of the information management system based on paper, we completed the PoC for the self – identification ID management system using the block chain. For more information, please click here .