The University of Washington has developed a 102 – mg wireless sensing chip that is small enough to mount on bees. This means that you can use living beings instead of drones, which is called Living IoT. The collected data is a measure of the location, temperature, humidity, luminosity, etc. around the bee. Once the bee’s flight is over, upload the data once a day.
This research has begun with the idea that punishment can continue for hours and that smart farms can be implemented. Like drones, I do not just focus on flying, so I can get about 30KB of data for 7 hours. While the bee is in the beehive at night, upload the data using radio waves and wirelessly charge it at the same time. It is also a study that does not work if there is no habit of bees returning to the nest.
If it is 102mg, it is light level of just 7 rice. Of these, 70 mg is occupied by the battery. The remaining 32mg contained various sensors and tracking systems. Making GPS bee-sized could lead to power shortages, and the researchers set up some antennas at the base station to send out signals for a specific area. We then decided to triangulate the angle difference between the bee location and the base station location on the receiver. This requires power as well as locating.
The team first experimented on the soccer field. Four antennas were placed on one side of the soccer field and a hive was placed. Here, within a range of 80m, so that the bee position can be detected in the range of about three quarters of the length of the soccer field.
The researchers are thinking about mounting a camera so that bees can record their plant health status. It also hopes to show these bees drones invisible and provide them with opportunities to learn about the bee’s ecology. In the future, there is a good chance that animals will become drones in the land and sea. We can expect a wide range of applications, such as investigating insect pests and using dolphins. For more information, please click here .