CreditCarma, a provider of personal financial services, said US cryptographic investors who sold Bitcoin had lost a total of $ 1.7 billion in transactions, but more than a third of them said they would not report loss deductions.
The survey was conducted in November of last year for 1,009 American bitcoin investors over the age of 18. According to the survey, 53% of respondents said they will report profits from bitcoins in a final report. On the other hand, 19% of respondents answered that they are not sure whether to report. In addition, 35 percent of respondents who lost money on the sale of passwords said they will not report losses when they make a final decision. Of those investors who said they saw profit from the sale, 50 percent said they would report profits. Of the investors who lost money, 38% said they would report losses.
The report also points out that investors who are not scheduled to report losses may overlook the deductions they may receive from the report. However, 35 percent of investors surveyed think that they do not need to report their profits, and 58 percent said they did not know they could claim a deduction for the loss. According to the report, US bitcoin investors have estimated losses of $ 5.7 billion.
In addition, the survey found that more than half of the bitcoin investors who responded that they did not intend to report cryptographic transactions in a final report, said that 55 percent of the respondents said it was not as profitable as they would need to be reported. Meanwhile, Cyril Karma reported that less than 100 people reported profits on cryptographic investments among 250,000 people who had recently filed a final decision in April of last year. For more information, please click here .