The data stored by the MIT research team at the transaction validation node is said to have evolved a cryptograph that is 99% smaller than bit coin.
A node is a computer equipment connected to a cryptographic network, such as a bit coin, through which transaction authentication is performed. The cryptographer, developed by the team, is named Vault and will be available at a symposium in February.
Vault downloaded only a small portion of all transaction data, allowing users to join the network. It can also verify transactions using only recent transaction data. It is based on a service authentication (PoS) block chain called Algorand. The team’s blog noted that test results from the network showed that Vort’s bandwidth to join the network was reduced by 99% compared to Bitcoin and by 90% compared to Etherium. The important thing is that Vault will validate all transactions at all nodes and provide excellent security.
The block size limit for a bolt is 10MB and corresponds to 10,000 transactions. Each such block contains a hash of the previous block. To verify the bit coin transaction, the user will download 150,000 blocks and 150,000 blocks. The reason is that you need to keep all of your account balances to help you check for new users or to ensure you have enough funds to complete the transaction.
The vault system uses blocks of information from hundreds to thousands of users to verify the blocks. In this method, a new node participating in the search path is used to match old blocks. All the blocks in between can be leapfrogged, so you can extend your cryptography to more users.
It is mentioned that the data that users have to download to participate in the vault network is 90% less than the etherium. In the case of etherurium, we have previously mentioned that the efficiency of future block cocaine using PoS will be improved thousands of times. The Etherim development team is working on a PoS implementation and is developing a new protocol called Casper, which can expect to reduce energy consumption. Recently, several research teams have announced Unit-e, a distributed payment network that can be expanded globally. For more information, please click here .