
New Hampshire Debates Bill on 2020 Bitcoin Tax

The New Hampshire legislature is considering legislation to legalize bitcoin and utility bills.

The legislation was proposed by a Republican lawmaker, and was published on the website of Congress on January 3. The bill, which began discussions at the National Assembly committee on March 14, stipulates that the state will require the state financial authorities to formulate a plan to recognize cipher money as a means of payment of taxes and utility bills on July 1, 2020. It will address accounting, evaluation, and management issues and identify the appropriate third-party payment processing vendors to handle cryptographic transactions in a way that the state authorities will not incur costs. To the public.

New Hampshire is working on the bill, including the bill. The Wyoming Legislature also says through a bill on cryptography that a specific block of chain tokens that have a certain consumption value as an intangible asset is defined as a new asset class and not a security. In order to develop the technology of the block chain, the regulatory sandbox system which relaxes certain regulations is also considered. For more information, please click here .