
Germany, the block chain strategy announced mid-year

The German government plans to announce its strategy for using block-chain technology in the middle of this year.

On February 26 (local time), the German government announced that it would conduct an online consultation process to announce its block strategy. The German Treasury Department and the Department of Economics and Energy have begun preparing for this and will work with local governments.

According to reports in early February, the German government has already started negotiations with companies, industries, and organizations that will help develop the country’s blockbuster technology. They are asking the government for advice to these companies and organizations. It is unclear whether these proposals will be reflected in the regulations to be announced shortly afterwards, but government officials are looking for concrete results.

In Germany, the Stuttgart Group, the second-largest stock exchange in late January, will be able to trade Bitcoin, Etherium, Light Coin and Ripple at no charge with the launch of Bison, a currency trading app. For more information, please click here .