
Advocates of Internet Birth

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the birth of the Internet. Vannevar Bush is one of the contributors to the birth of the Internet until today, introduced by Google in the video. He created a concept that could be called the roots of the Internet. It was designed in the 1940’s Memex.

Megex is an abbreviation of MEMORY EXTENDER. It was a system that indexes data and data recorded on microfilm and organically connects them. It was premised on the use of microfilm-based analog equipment, but the idea was to pioneer a system that became the backbone of the Internet, such as the Web and HTTP.

The following are JCR recliders (Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider). He published a paper entitled “Man-Computer Symbiosis,” which advocated the basic concepts of early 1960s network systems.

This paper has had a great impact on the development of a time – sharing system in which a single PC is used simultaneously by several users. In the near future, the human brain and computing machines are closely related to each other, and cybernetics and AI are foreseen.

The following are Vinton Gray Cerf and Robert Elliot Kahn. In the 1970s, DARPA (formerly ARPA), the US Higher Research Planning Agency, used ARPANET, the origin of the Internet, but at the time there was a variety of communication methods. It was Vincent Surf and Robert Kahn that introduced TCP / IP.

TCP / IP is the core data transmission technology of the current communications protocol that transmits data over the network in packets. With the emergence of this technology, the network, which was only used by DARPA and related organizations, will gain the foothold to grow into a worldwide Internet.

The next person to mention is Ray Tomlinson. He developed an e-mail address with an e-mail or @ mark that most PC or smartphone owners could use without thought. For reference, the first email sent in the world in 1971 was QWERTYUIOP.

Timothy John Berners-Lee, who was at CERN in 1989 at the European Particle Physics Laboratory, wrote a book called WorldWideWeb, a hypertext system that further developed the system (ENQUIRE) developed by researchers to share research data. Developed. HTTP, URL, and HTML were also created at this time.

Paul Mockapetris developed the Domain Name System (DNS) in 1983 at the Information Sciences Institute. The devices connected to the TCP / IP network communicate according to the IP address. However, DNS plays an important role in domains such as IP addresses, URLs, and email addresses that are not only numbered lists. For more information, please click here .