The European Union has established the International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA), an international organization that aims to promote blockbusters. Founding members include IBMQ, Accenture, Ripple, Consensus, and IOTA.
INATBA is aimed at informing key industries of start-up of cryptographic industry, block-chain distribution technology as well as regulations of SMEs and large enterprises. The European Commission, Maria Gabriel, says the modern economy needs less time to build trust than before, and when it comes to fighting cancer or talking about renewable energy, the parties need to trust each other to ensure the truth about the product. Block chain.
In January, the European Bank Supervisory Authority (EBA) expressed concern about the regulation of cryptographic currency in each EU country, and called for a response at EU level. The Austrian Digital Economy Minister also pointed out that in early April, Europe is over-regulated and there are no European companies in the world’s top 10 companies. For more information, please click here .