
Ophthalmologic examination in 30 seconds? Developing Deep Mind

DeepMind, a Google-affiliated AI company, is developing a prototype prototype that will allow eye testing to be completed in 30 seconds.

Ophthalmologic examination is important but cumbersome or long. In addition to glaucoma screening, if you see long shiny lights, you should simply repeat the button press. Deep Mind is developing a tester that scans the retina and uses algorithm analysis to display detailed diagnostic results and scores indicating urgency. Thus, the symptoms detected are diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and macular degeneration caused by aging.

Deep minds are said to be used for simple examinations before going to specialized medical institutions. It is to diagnose where the artificial intelligence matches the vast amount of data learned in advance and the symptoms of the subjects.

The product has been in research for three years in London, where deep-minded people are located, but it is not yet approved. If it is practically practical, it can be expected that it will reduce the burden on the medical examination every year. For more information, please click here .