The 8370R, announced by John Deere, a manufacturer of agricultural machinery in the United States, is an automatic operation tractor using GPS and camera images. It is a tractor capable of unmanned driving.
John Deere says it has improved accuracy by using GPS technology to reduce travel line errors to within 2.5 cm. Considering that the GPS accuracy of a typical smartphone is around 3m, it is considerable. If this is the case, the tractor will not be able to move autonomously in a narrow passage of agricultural land. Even if there are crops planted regularly at intervals of about 10cm, it may be stepped on. The 8370R utilizes GPS and computer vision control and can also see the driving line on the monitor in the driver’s seat. If you are off the line and the driver is on board, you can modify the line on the spot.
Autonomous driving will usually come up with cars, but in the future, autonomous driving tractors and rice planting machines may become active.