
Moody’s “Private Block Chain Danger” Warning

A credit rating company, Moody’s, warned of the risks to private chain chains that use block chains among trusted agencies.

Moody ‘s pointed out that all negative factors in the private block chain should be considered. The private block chain is likely to be manipulated as there is no consensus about the variance as it is used to approve bit coin transactions. Risk factors such as IT infrastructure and operational risk, intensive block-chain policy, and legal and regulatory issues that are concentrated at the counter partner can be a risk.

The adoption of private block chains is spreading around large companies around the world. For example, an editable block chain technique in Accenture can rewrite information on a block chain. Moody ‘s is alarming about the dangers of this block chain. An individual or a centralized block chain increases the risk of fraud. The system design and management system is concentrated in one or a few. For more information, please click here .