
Central Malaysia Block Chain Urban Planning Support

Chinese real estate developer China Wu Yi has announced plans to develop SWT International (SWT International), a Malaysian investment network, and Malacca City into a block-chain city.

The Chinese government says it supports the city’s plans on the important route in the Malacca Straits. Chinese real estate developer China Ui has agreed to develop the city of Malacca into a block-chain city using SWT International and block-chain technology, and has co-founded a Chinese government-funded project. The project is planning to raise $ 120 million at the initial stage.

According to the data, the entire city infrastructure is rebuilt based on the block chain technology and provides its own coin for a platform called DMI. Tourists can exchange legal coins for DMI coins and use them as a means of payment when using public services in the city.

Lim Keng Kai, the CEO of the project, said that by integrating block-chain technology into the traditional industry, Malaysia would become the world’s best tourist destination and that it received government approvals for the city’s plans and suggested some good plans .

According to foreign sources, China is making a strong presence in the Asia – Pacific region by investing in infrastructure and municipalities. China has given $ 6 billion in loans and subsidies to Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea, which wants to use natural gas, minerals and timber resources for the past seven years. For more information, please click here .